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2010年11月10日  作者:  成都译网-成都翻译网-成都翻译公司  浏览选项:    本文已被浏览 1246 次

Recent history

The Act of Union of 1800 formally assimilated Ireland within the British political process, and created a new state "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland" with effect from 1 January 1801, uniting England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland.

Since then England has not existed as an independent political entity, but as a country it has remained highly dominant in the United Kingdom. The majority of the political and economic leadership the UK is English. London has remained the economic and centre of Britain and one of the world's great cities.

During the early 19th century, the working classes began to find a voice. Concentrations of industry led to the formation of guilds and unions, which, although at first suppressed, eventually became powerful enough to resist.

Chartism is thought to have originated from the passing of the 1832 Reform Bill, which gave the vote to the majority of the (male) middle classes, but not to the 'working class'. Many people made speeches on the 'betrayal' of the working class and the 'sacrificing' of their 'interests' by the 'misconduct' of the government. In 1838, six members of Parliament and six workingmen formed a committee, which then published the People's Charter.

The revolutions which spread like wildfire throughout mainland Europe during the 1840s did not occur in England and Queen Victoria's reign was largely one of consensus, despite huge disparities in living standards between the few rich and the multitudinous poor.

The Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921 established the Irish Free State (now the Republic of Ireland) as a separate nation, leaving Northern Ireland as part of the United Kingdom; its official name became "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".

England bore the full brunt of German bombing during World War II, many of its cities were badly damaged and huge amounts of infrastructure destroyed. England rapidly recovered after the war, and while internationally the relative wealth and power of Britain have faded, England still remains paramount in the British Isles. 1999 saw the establishment of the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly. There is no English equivalent. In part this is a reflection of the hold England has on the British government.British Council


在安妮女王长子夭折后,英国国会为避免英国王位再次落入天主教徒手上,通过1701年嗣位法,当中规定: 若1689权利法案中所规定的继承人全部无子死亡后,王位由英王詹姆士一世的外孙女,汉诺威选帝侯夫人苏菲亚和她的新教后代继承。

这部法律,令当时在英国王位继承序列头50名的王室成员都失去王位继承权。虽然,法案导致数次因王位争端而起的冲突,但位于王位继承序列第52名的汉诺威选帝侯,乔治一世(George I),最终于1714年继位为大不列颠国王及爱尔兰国王,直至1727年驾崩。而大不列颠王国和爱尔兰王国于1801年合并,组成大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国。

温莎王朝(The House of Windsor),自1917年统治英国和其海外领地的家族,其前身为萨克森-科堡-哥达王朝,而其家族实际姓氏为韦廷(Wettin)。该分支的数位王子通过婚姻或获选多国国王,如葡萄牙、比利时和保加利亚国王等。1840年2月10日,英女王维多利亚和她的大表哥萨克森-科堡-哥达亲王阿尔伯特结婚,萨克森-科堡-哥达这个德国姓氏就此带入英国王室。




British Council

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