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2010年11月26日  作者:  成都译网-成都翻译网-成都翻译公司  浏览选项:    本文已被浏览 1552 次
   31. ripoff    骗人的东西

       What a ripoff! The new car I bought doesn't work!


       32. rock the boat   找麻烦

       Don't rock the boat! Things are fine just the way they are.


       33. blow it   搞砸了,弄坏了

       I blew it on that last exam.


       34. in hot water   有麻烦

       He is in hot water with his girlfriend recently.

41. let the cat out of the bag   泄漏秘密

       We planned to give her a surprise party, but he let the cat out of the bag.


       Their engagement was to be a secret but the ring on her finger let the cat out of the bag.


       The criminal was hiding away from the police, but a small boy let the cat out of the bag when he told the police that there was a man in the house.


       ※ Do you know?


       然而,奸商有时会利用顾客一时走神,把流浪猫冒充乳猪放进袋子里。直到顾客回家,“把猫从袋子里拿出来”(let the cat out of the bag),才发现这个骗局。所以这个词组意味着是一个意外的、但通常令人讨厌的发现。据说这也是谚语“不要买装在袋子里的猪”(don't buy a pig in a poke)的由来,也就是“不要不看现货就买东西”的意思。

       42. white elephant   购买或保存起来十分昂贵却无实际用处的东西

       The fountain is a white elephant.


       The foreign aid to the country was believed to be nothing but a white elephant.


       When he planned to sell his house, his expensive furniture became white elephants.


       ※ Do you know?

       a white elephant 这个短语是来源于印度,由于印度人是很崇拜大象的,对于大象尤其是白象视若神灵。印度规定,白象是不可以宰杀、干活的,拥有白象的人家要好好地养着它,不可以虐待它,直到它死去。所以人们将白象视为一种累赘,这也就是 white elephant 的由来。

       由于 white elephant 有上述的意思,因而出现了 a white elephant sale(白象义卖)。不过这种以慈善为目的的义卖,所卖的不是白象,而是有心人士所捐出的家里不再需要之物品。

       43. get out of bed on the wrong side   心情不佳

       The Prime Minister must have got out of bed on the wrong side this morning.


       He must have got out of bed on the wrong side today, because he has shouted at everybody in the office.


       The man went to bed very late and got up on the wrong side of the bed.


       44. losing the plot   疯了

       I was waking up in the middle of the night, not knowing who I was or where I was. I really thought I was losing the plot.


       She knows people think she's "losing the plot" following the breakdown of her marriage to Peter Andre.



       35. put one's foot in one's mouth   祸从口出

       Wally is always saying such stupid thing. He has a real talent for putting his foot in his mouth.


       36. flop   (表演、电影等)不卖座,失败

       The movie was a flop. Nobody went to see it.


       37. drop in/by/over   随时造访

       Feel free to drop in anytime. I'm usually home and I'd love the company.


       38. drop a line   写信

       Drop me a line!


       39. a bad hair day   不顺利的一天

       A: What's the matter Sam? You look upset.


       B: Oh, it's nothing. I'm just having a bad hair day -- everything's going wrong.


       除此之外,如果为了表达诙谐的语气,a bad hair day 的主语还可以是物。

       My computer is having a bad hair day.


       40. pull someone's leg   开某人的玩笑

       A: I met David Beckham in a pub last night and he bought me a drink.


       B: Are you pulling my leg?


       I was just pulling Karl's leg when I said Marissa wanted to go out with him, but he believed me and he called her. And now they really are going out!

